Jordan Maxwell Show | The LEGITIMATE Jordan Maxwell

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Last updated: Wednesday, 19-June-2024


Always one with the Divine Presence in the Universe
Jordan Maxwell
28 December 1940 - 23 March 2022

Jordan Maxwell: Bringing Light to a World in Darkness

to the U.S.A. and the WORLD

Friday, 12-April-2013

Jordan and Friends — On the Universe #1

Doctors Being Video Recorded Performing Surgery

Length: 36 minutes, 05 seconds

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and RE-PLENISH the earth, ..." — GENESIS 1:28

The RE – in "RE-plenish," means, DO IT AGAIN!

Mathematics, nature, and the stars. The deeper you look, the more is revealed. What is the matrix, what are we? Do we exist within a universe, or are there multiple universes, as Einstein theorized (many parallel universes)?

Quantum mathematics, Phoenix lights, greater beings, and the origin of our knowledge. It is agreed, the real information is in the hands of the private sector, not in the hands of Government. Is the entire universe filled with extraterrestrial forces?

Who controls the planet? Greed seems to be eating greed at our current point in history. Why is the global economy such a mess? Maybe the non-interference treaties need implementation.

The Bible does NOT say, "God made man." God actually said, "Come let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Man already existed, then he was re-made. Maybe they think it's time to re-make man. God says, "Man has become one of us." Topics — CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. Hidden government disguising themselves as private contractors..."

GENESIS 9:1 — When NOAH comes off the Ark for the first time, God says to him, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and RE-PLENISH (means do it again) the earth."

Wednesday, 10-April-2013

Jordan Maxwell's Book Club #2


Length: 31 minutes, 28 seconds

"The divine quality which the ancient theologists discovered in all parts of nature has been destroyed by the modern attitude towards learning." — MANLY PALMER HALL

We continue working our way through Jordan Maxwell's favorite books. He read many books, possibly thousands. For him to select the "Best of the Best" is truly a time saver. In this show, Jordan speaks very fondly of his greatest mentor, MANLY PALMER HALL, who left all his research to Jordan. Soon we will get into the teachings of MANLY PALMER HALL.

Please CLICK the tab at the top of the page entitled "Recommended Materials". Jordan did a lot of homework for you, so take advantage and start your education, if you have not already.

Page 14
Jordan outlines a very important overview of his work on Art Bell's DREAMLAND — 19-March-1995
Jordan in his own words
Jordan Maxwells Official YouTube